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Purchase Orders or Requisitions can be made through this screen.  Item information, including the quantity desired is at the bottom of the page.  Related budget information is accumulated and displayed in the top right.  This allows the user to see where he/she is within their budget requirements before submitting their request.  Checks and balances are also in place, requiring approval when total price or quantities have exceeded user defined limitations.

This screen displays budget information "by location" for a specified time frame, and the year to date values.  For ease of use, the web application displays general ledger items that are over budget in red, while displaying general ledger items that are currently within budget in green.

The RHR Systems web application is also able to display information graphical formats such as pie charts, bar charts and line graphs.

Here the RHR Systems web application is displaying an inventory listing showing the user items within the system, their package type, quantity available and value.  From this screen the user has the ability to move up and down an item hierarchy tree ( i.e. Beverages Sodas > Coke ( Case of 24 ) > Coke ( 12oz cans ) ) and see the appropriate information at each level.  The user also has the ability to view the locations that the items are available at and see the past history of transactions to and from that location.

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